Let’s talk about Opportunity Consciousness.
If you are a seasoned pro in your industry then I am confident, no I’m certain, that you are making the same mistake all of my clients make before investing in their mindset.
Your confidence is limiting your revenue generation.
It’s stopping you from 2xing, 5xing, even 10xing your revenue in this next year.
If you are a top dog, you got swagger. You got confidence. But with that… comes biases.
You know that you know the answers. You know that you are right about most things in your industry. You have seen it all.
What does all of that tenure, experience and confidence translate into?
Opportunity Blindness.
Your knowledge, success, and experience is your greatest strength and it creates blind spot. You are stepping over gold bars looking for pennies.
I’ll give you a radical example…
My client Bob (name changed to protect his identity) is a billionaire today. But not when he started his journey with me.
When he started training with me he was a 20 year veteran in the financial services industry. He was burnt out, he felt limited. He felt like he had gone as far as he could go.
He was confident about his limitations and what was and wasn’t possible given his experience, skills, how the industry works and the people in his network. And…
He was dead wrong.
He was blind to the opportunities that he had right in front of him.
Using my 90 day process… he found a vein of gold that was completely hidden from his confident… but arrogant self.
That discovery has made him a billionaire today
I realize that his story may not be your story.
But… his story… is not a fluke for my clients… it’s the norm.
Laci 5x’d her income… and reduced her hours worked dramatically…
Marshall… 10x’d his income with my process by seeing an income source that was right under his nose.
Opportunity Consciousness is a system. It’s not luck. It’s not chance. Its as predictable as the sun comes up and the sun goes down.
But so is Opportunity Blindness. In fact… the biases you have are the norm… not the acception.