Start 2024 Strong.

Enroll in Matthew Ferry's Stress-Free Income Accelerator.
Bi-Weekly Bonus LIVE Calls begin January 10th at 1pm Pacific.

What the heck is the Stress-Free Income Accelerator?

  • In a nutshell, the Accelerator is a collection of the 30 proprietary Coaching Conversations designed to transform your relationship to your business, making money, being productive and finding peace no matter what is happening in the external world
  • ​Each 6 - 20 minute video is in essence a coaching session with questions for you to answer in your journal, and a simply assignment to implement in your business and in your life.
  • Ready  to transform your income rapidly? Listen/watch one video each morning followed by the suggested Rhythmic BreathWork or a Guided Meditation inside the app.
  • The "Accelerator" is self-guided. Go through the videos at your own pace... fast or slow. Repeat as needed.
  • ​Plus... you get Bonus Bi-Monthly Live Q&A Calls the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month at 1pm Pacific. Wuhoo!
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Full PAY
12 Month Unlimited Access
  • Includes Bi-Weekly BONUS LIVE Q&A Calls at start Jan 10th @ 1pm Pacific
  • Plus... The Art of Magnetism Full Training
  • MJM Member Pricing on all 2024 Live Events
  •  Protected by our 100% Money Back Guarantee (Eligibility Required)
  • 30 short, and to the point videos that will systematically increase your level of courage, certainty and calm… so you can bring your A game to everything you do in 2024.
  • Effortlessly quiet you mind, so you can expand your Opportunity Consciousness and reap the benefits of having the kinds of clients, deals, and business that you really want.
$950 today, $950 in 30 Days
  • Includes Bi-Weekly BONUS LIVE Q&A Calls at start Jan 10th @ 1pm Pacific
  • Plus... The Art of Magnetism Full Training
  • MJM Member Pricing on all 2024 Live Events
  •  Protected by our 100% Money Back Guarantee (Eligibility Required)
  • 30 short, and to the point videos that will systematically increase your level of courage, certainty and calm… so you can bring your A game to everything you do in 2024.
  • Effortlessly quiet you mind, so you can expand your Opportunity Consciousness and reap the benefits of having the kinds of clients, deals, and business that you really want.
$650 today, $650 in 30 Days, & $650 in 60 Days
  • Includes Bi-Weekly BONUS LIVE Q&A Calls at start Jan 10th @ 1pm Pacific
  • Plus... The Art of Magnetism Full Training
  • MJM Member Pricing on all 2024 Live Events
  •  Protected by our 100% Money Back Guarantee (Eligibility Required)
  • 30 short, and to the point videos that will systematically increase your level of courage, certainty and calm… so you can bring your A game to everything you do in 2024.
  • Effortlessly quiet you mind, so you can expand your Opportunity Consciousness and reap the benefits of having the kinds of clients, deals, and business that you really want.

Now that I have your attention, hear me out.

As a seasoned entrepreneur, you know...

1. How to make money.
2. Markets are cyclical.
3. Skills are vital to success... but they only get you so far.

In fact, in markets like these one of the biggest predators my high-conscious, go-getters have to out smart is their own survival mind.

Here's why:

1. The Survival Mind uses fear, doubt and uncertainty to get you into action.
2. The Survival Mind is convinced it knows the future and can steer you away from danger.
3. The Survival Mind confuses opportunity with risk.
4. The Survival Mind blinds you during times when clarity and peace of mind are needed.

It's insane. As humans we are wired to find the bad... avoid the negative... and seek safety.

Yet, in volatile markets in order to thrive it is ESSENTIAL that you abandon doubt, fear and skepticism in order to access the Opportunity Consciousness needed to succeed.

Easier said, than done.

That's why for the next few minutes, I am going to ask you to set aside a couple of things.  Specifically:

1. Doubt
2. Skepticism
3. Fear

Because, when you are faced with a life changing opportunity, you listen to it through the filters of doubt skepticism and fear, you accidentally screw yourself over.

Not me. You. You get screwed by you.

And that's why I know with absolute certainty that when you immerse yourself in my 90-Day Stress-Free Income Accelerator, you WILL Generate More Revenue, More Sales & Get More Clients In 90 Days... or you don't pay.


#1. Stop using a “survival mindset” while attempting to produce a thriving result. 

Over the years my high-net-worth clients like you have been responsible for managing over $100 billion in assets. As a result, they have made billions of dollars in sales.

I’ve been working in the trenches with some of the most successful people in the world… and I can tell you one thing with certainty.

Before working with me, they were all using a “survival mindset” in an attempt to produce a thriving result. And it was a mismatch.

Most seasoned pros make the mistake of making peace with too much stress and too much pressure to produce results.

You make peace with the grind of having to bring your A Game, day in and day out.

This slowly turns your energy, enthusiasm and optimism in the direction of negative feelings of guilt, and obligation.

Your survival mindset bubbles up and robs you of your joy. You start using survival language to keep yourself taking action. Things like "I have to, I need to" along with survival statements like "I must succeed… I should get up earlier… make that next call… "

Then comes "have to do this for my family! I need to pay my bills! My people are counting on me."

While these survival mindsets work temporarily, they eventually lead to burnout.  Now you are trying to overcome your lack of energy and optimism… with new rituals… new accountability games… a new diet… a new trainer… a dream board… affirmations… the next podcast… a weekend retreat…

Which all work temporarily… but slowly lapse back into the have to, need to, must and should.

Every year you set some version of the same goals… hoping that this year… you will actually feel inspired… 

Like… in your bones… inspired… that feeling you had when you were young…

But the same old goals don’t cut it. The energy wears off over time and it’s back to the grind. 

#2. Begin to see yourself and your industry in a way that will dramatically increase your opportunities for growth and success.

Let’s talk about Opportunity Consciousness.

If you are a seasoned pro in your industry then I am confident, no I’m certain, that you are making the same mistake all of my clients make before investing in their mindset.

Your confidence is limiting your revenue generation.

It’s stopping you from 2xing, 5xing, even 10xing your revenue in this next year.

If you are a top dog, you got swagger. You got confidence. But with that… comes biases. 

You know that you know the answers. You know that you are right about most things in your industry. You have seen it all.

What does all of that tenure, experience and confidence translate into?

Opportunity Blindness. 

Your knowledge, success, and experience is your greatest strength and it creates blind spot. You are stepping over gold bars looking for pennies. 

I’ll give you a radical example…

My client Bob (name changed to protect his identity) is a billionaire today. But not when he started his journey with me. 

When he started training with me he was a 20 year veteran in the financial services industry. He was burnt out, he felt limited. He felt like he had gone as far as he could go.

He was confident about his limitations and what was and wasn’t possible given his experience, skills, how the industry works and the people in his network. And… 

He was dead wrong. 

He was blind to the opportunities that he had right in front of him. 

Using my 90 day process… he found a vein of gold that was completely hidden from his confident… but arrogant self. 

That discovery has made him a billionaire today

I realize that his story may not be your story.

But… his story… is not a fluke for my clients… it’s the norm.

Laci 5x’d her income… and reduced her hours worked dramatically… 

Marshall… 10x’d his income with my process by seeing an income source that was right under his nose.

Opportunity Consciousness is a system. It’s not luck. It’s not chance. Its as predictable as the sun comes up and the sun goes down.

But so is Opportunity Blindness. In fact… the biases you have are the norm… not the acception. 

So Now What?


When markets are strong, the most effective thing you can do is work on your skills. Getting into action and sharpening your saw.

When markets are weak, it's natural to accidentally fall into the trap of more action = more results.

But. This. Is. A. Mistake.

Just like an athlete that tries to bring his A Game with an injury, when you aren't in an optimal mental state you just don't perform as well.

You are dimished.
You aren't at your best.

And your results suffer.

This is why it is SO EASY for things to spiral downward.

When your head isn't in the game, you take the same actions you've always taken but you don't get the same result.

Fear, anxiety, worry and doubt creep in.

And the downward spiral continues.

My friend, let me give it to you straight.

You will not "out work" a negative mindset.

Instead, you have to adopt a set of Contextual Frameworks that crack open your optimism, joy and sense of well being.

No small task when you feel defeated, diminished, and like everything is falling apart.

This is how my nickname "The Turn-Around Coach" came to be.

Top producers who found themselves in a rut hired me to get them turned around.

And, because I was hired to produce results, that's exactly what I did.

Over time it became clear that my slightly crazy, counterintuitive process was a predictable way to shift out of a Survival Mindset into what I call "Opportunity Consciousness."

When your head is in a good place, you see things differently. Optimism returns. You begin to notice opportunities you never noticed before. You become more attractive. People and new business come to you, and suddenly you aren't chasing any more.

The actions you take produce new results. You find yourself working with clients that you enjoy, who value what you do.

And let's be honest, it is FAR EASIER to navigate market volatility when you are inspired, lit up and feeling good. 


These become your greatest assets.

When you take on my 90-Day Stress-Free Income Accelerator, I am not going to teach you one single skill. I am going to hand you a set of Contextual Frameworks, that you put on like a new set of glasses, that allow you to see things in a new, empowered way.

I am so confident that this program will cause you to Generate More Revenue, More Sales & Get More Clients In 90 Days... or you don't pay.

I've literally removed 100% of the risk. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
Matthew Ferry’s promise is simple: Quiet your mind so you can create an epic life, that is filled with Enlightened Prosperity. His down to earth approach empowers you to rise above the unwanted chatter and negativity of the mind. Matthew says, “When your mind is quiet, you feel profound peace and your life becomes extraordinary. No ashram required.”

For the last 26 years, Matthew has been coaching thousands of top performers to achieve Enlightened Prosperity. His books, audios and seminars utilize his street tested methodology called The Rapid Enlightenment Process; a guaranteed system to achieve profound states of happiness and success in life.
© Matthew Ferry International, LLC • All Rights Reserved
2618 San Miguel Drive #100 • Newport Beach, CA 92660
The programs and products offered by Matthew Ferry are original content intended for your personal use only. Teaching this material, in any form, without author credit violates our copyright. If you share, please acknowledge Matthew Ferry as the author, content creator and copyright holder. Thank you for respecting our intellectual property rights. 

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