Featured Interviews, Podcasts & Articles
NBC News Channel Palm Springs: Bryan Gallo Is Excited to Talk about Matthew Ferry's Book
Head trash! It's what keeps most of us down in the status quo dumps. In fact, have you ever noticed that the louder your mind is, the worse the head trash? And it's always negative and that negativity squelches creativity. With that in mind, I asked Matthew Ferry, coach to thousands of top performers to achieve Enlightened Prosperity and author of 7 Steps to Happiness and Success, to be on Inside LaunchStreet to talk about how to have a quiet mind and an epic life. We dug into how being tuned-in to life gets you to a more expansive and creative state, how we often attach the idea of risk onto the fear of losing out on an imaginary benefit, and he shared how pride, illogical rules and not being of service get in the way of the creative mind.
Good Day New York Wake Up
Matthew Ferry appears on NYC's Good Day New York. He is the author of Quiet Mind Epic Life and creator of The 30 Day Opinion Diet. 

Good Day LA: Fending Off Negativity
How to release negativity and get back to your happy place. Have you ever had one of those days (or weeks, or months!) where everyone just gets on your nerves? Where you have negative interactions with strangers as you go about your day and your errands? And where you just can’t shake the down-and-out attitude about pretty much everything in your life? 
You’re Not Alone: This year has been full of these moments and they usually last weeks at a time. It’s natural to feel this way sometimes, and there’s actually an evolutionary explanation for it. But we're often advised by friends and family to be more positive -- problem is, you can’t fix negativity by being more positive, that’s like putting frosting on a mud pie. So, how do we get out of this negativity rut and get back to our happy place?
The Health Benefits of Walking Meditation
Plus, How to Implement the Practice Into Your Daily Routine.  Whether done once a week or every day, this practice merges mindfulness and exercise.
MINDFULNESS AT WORK: These 3-minute exercises can stop worry in its tracks
From the resurgence of COVID to the unrest in the world, there’s a lot to worry about right now. The truth is, however, that worrying does nothing to change the outcome. It just keeps you stuck in a feeling of helplessness and stress. But negative thoughts are part of our biology and while you may not be able to stop them from happening, you can adapt solutions that help you deal with them, says Matthew Ferry, author Quiet Mind, Epic Life.
How to Set Intentions to Get Un-Stuck and Improve Your Mental Health
Setting intentions, or stating what you intend to do, could help you take action, reach goals in a more mindful way, and benefit your mental health.
Forbes Coaches Council: A Quiet Mind Is A High-Performance Mind
In today’s culture of information overload, there is a hidden distraction lurking in the shadows of your mind, reducing your performance, stealing your precious attention and diminishing your ability to focus. Without even realizing it, this distraction is reducing productivity and robbing you of the mindshare your objectives deserve.
Matthew Ferry on The Nice Guys On Business Podcast: Never Underestimate The Power Of Nice
When we first came up with the idea to host a podcast, we had no clue what were doing. Over 500 episodes and 1 million plus downloads later, we know now exactly how clueless we really were. We cannot believe what The Nice Guys on Business has become.
The Living Life on Purpose Show: Redefining Enlightenment for the Modern Age
Michael Kohan and Matthew Ferry discuss what Living Life on Purpose means as times change: Mindfulness, Yoga, Spirituality, Healthy Living and Personal Growth.
Interview on Inside Personal Growth Podcast with Greg Voisen
Inside Personal Growth provides listeners with high quality interviews featuring leading authors in the field of personal development. This online podcast program is curated with content from international experts in the art of transformation. It is our mission here to tune listeners into an audio experience that will entertain and educate to help improve every facet of their lives. 
Quiet Mind Epic Life with Matthew Ferry on School For Startups Radio by James Beach
Join host Jim Beach everyday as he interviews entrepreneurs and great authors that can help you grow your business, or start one.
Daniel Bruce Levin from The Mosaic Podcast - Honest Conversation Like Never Before
In this transparent conversation that goes off script you will hear about living by heart vs. living by head, feelings vs. emotions, being influential vs. being influenced, total acceptance and much more.
Matthew Ferry on the The Matt Belair Podcast
#1 Health Podcast on iTunes
Expand your consciousness, explore inner & outer worlds and new dimensions with the most conscious, awakened and high vibrational BEings of service to humanity! Listen to the podcast now!
Life Illuminated Podcast with Maggie Kelly learn from Matthew why Your Mind is Not Your Friend
Join Spiritual and Meditation Teacher Maggie Kelly for a chat with author and coach Matthew Ferry. The two discuss the concept of "enlightened prosperity" as well as some of what might be keeping us from living both and enlightened life as well as a prosperous life. 
How to Use the Power of the Quiet Mind to Drive Profitability - Dreamstate Digital Podcast
In this podcast Matthew Ferry shares with the Dreamstate Digital why having a quiet mind sparks creativity and innovation in business and life. 
One Mind Podcast with Morgan Dix: Matthew Ferry on the Path to Enlightened Prosperity
One of my favorite interviews to date. Morgan asks interesting and thoughtful questions. I had a blast sharing my perspective on Enlightened Prosperity and the role of meditation in the process of attaining enlightenment. 
Conscious Millionaire with JV Crum III
I was interviewed on the Conscious Millionaire Podcast, named in Inc Magazine as one of the Top 13 Business Podcasts. The show is for coaches and consultants who want to become Six and Seven-Figure High Achievers! 
All Things Connected with Dr. Julie Krull
Dr. Julie Krull interviewed me on her show All things Connected. I got a say she is a deep thinker and really pushed me with her questions.
Breaking the Illogical Rules Opens the Door to Creativity on LaunchStreet
Head trash! It's what keeps most of us down in the status quo dumps. In fact, have you ever noticed that the louder your mind is, the worse the head trash? And it's always negative and that negativity squelches creativity. With that in mind, I asked Matthew Ferry, coach to thousands of top performers to achieve Enlightened Prosperity and author of 7 Steps to Happiness and Success, to be on Inside LaunchStreet to talk about how to have a quiet mind and an epic life. We dug into how being tuned-in to life gets you to a more expansive and creative state, how we often attach the idea of risk onto the fear of losing out on an imaginary benefit, and he shared how pride, illogical rules and not being of service get in the way of the creative mind.
The Secret to Achieving Any Goal: Podcast with Mike Carruthers
Listen in as I share The Secret to Achieving Any Goal with Mike Carruthers’ in his Something You Should Know podcast. The interview starts at 3 minutes in.
Matthew Ferry Interview on Vibrant Potentials Podcast with Dr. Chris Frykman
Vibrant Potentials is hosted by Dr. Chris Frykman, Functional Neurologist and Fitness Freak
Mommy Millionaire Podcast with Cayla Craft
Listen in as Matthew and Cayla Craft talk about the positive impact of a quiet mind for Mom’s who are committed to being successful entrepreneurs.
Rick Berube Interviews Matthew Ferry on RE Success 
Matthew Ferry’s promise is simple: Quiet your mind so you can create an epic life, that is filled with Enlightened Prosperity. His down to earth approach empowers you to rise above the unwanted chatter and negativity of the mind. Matthew says, “When your mind is quiet, you feel profound peace and your life becomes extraordinary. No ashram required.” 
Positive Productivity Podcast with Kim Sutton
Kim Sutton was diligent and persistent in her questions. She really did a great job making me explain The Rapid Enlightenment Process.
Harnessing the Power of a Quiet Mind – with Matthew Ferry on LabCoat Agents
Matthew joins Tristan to explain why it’s important for entrepreneurs to cultivate a quiet mind. He discusses why our survival mind dominates, even when we’re not in a survival state, and describes how a quiet mind can help us see opportunity others do not. Listen in for Matthew’s 4-step process to achieve rapid enlightenment and learn his top practices for achieving a quiet mind.
Matthew Ferry on Thrive Global - Modern Enlightenment: 6 Qualities of a Quiet Mind
Here’s how to find peace in our bustling world by Matthew Ferry
M15 Culture-Building Tips For An All-Remote Team
Working remotely is becoming more and more common among today's professionals. The convenience of being able to work from anywhere allows for more flexibility, greater work-life balance and can even increase productivity. However, when employees are so physically and geographically spread out, it becomes even more difficult to create a sense of camaraderie and teamwork.

In This article Forbes Coaches Council members share their top strategies for building company culture and improving morale in an all-remote team. 
11 Coach-Recommended Apps For Setting And Tracking Goals
Would you like to know what apps and programs to set and track goals for themselves and their clients Forbes Coaches Council recommend? Jump right into this article!
Ways To Scale Company Culture Without Losing Your Organization's Identity
As a leader facing the challenges of scale, you must identify key moments in the history of the company that demonstrate the principles, vision and mission. Make peace with the fact that part of your job is the repetition of storytelling. - Matthew Ferry
Take These 13 Actionable Steps To Become A Better Active Listener
Strong communication skills can mean the difference between being a good leader and a great one. Active listening can change how your team sees you as well as help you to learn from their viewpoints. In this article Forbes Coaches Council members explain some actionable steps leaders can take to improve their active listening abilities, both in and out of the office.
Book Matthew on your show
Matthew is a seasoned speaker and expert guest. 
Please contact mferry@matthewferry.com or call 949-427-0705 to get started.
Keynotes and Presentations include
  • Harness The Power Of Enlightened Perspectives To Drive Innovation and Profitability 
  • ​A Quiet Mind is A High-Performance Mind: Practical Ways To Leverage Mental Capital To Produce Exponential Results 
  • ​The Power of Transcending The Survival Mind To Achieve Your Goals
  • ​Why Enlightenment Is The Next Stage Of Human Evolution
  • ​ How Top Performers Leverage The Quiet Mind State To Engineer Quantum Leaps In Bottom-Line Results


Matthew Ferry International, LLC
2618 San Miguel Drive #100
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Copyright Matthew Ferry • All Rights Reserved
The programs and products offered by Matthew Ferry are original content intended for your personal use only. Teaching this material, in any form, violates our copyright. Thank you for respecting our intellectual property rights.