Mental Journey To Millions (MJM)

Terms & Conditions... Plus our 100% Money Back Guarantee

NOTE: These Terms & Conditions apply to the Mental Journey To Millions Membership and its individual components and programs, including but not limited to: The Stress-Free Income Accelerator, Transforming Fear Into Action, Epic Life Live, Hidden Motive Release Meditations, The 23 Daily Practices, Guided Meditations, The Hidden Motives, The Art of Magnetism, Mastery Level Gratitude, Enlightened Goal Setting Workshop, Call Recordings and Live Events whether provided as a group, a bundle or separate programs. 

We are committed to your success. Below are the Terms and Conditions applicable to your enrollment and participation in the Mental Journey To Millions (MJM) Membership.

General Terms 
We can not and do not make any universal guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, techniques, strategies, products or programs. 

You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions, and results in life and business. By opting in to receive free information or by purchasing our products and programs, you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions, or results at any time, under any circumstances. We provide products and programs that produce results. The results are up to you. 

1. Access to online trainings are available to members in good standing during the duration of your Mental Journey To Millions (MJM) Membership 
2. The Mental Journey To Millions (MJM) Membership, its content, access to the mobile app, participation in live calls and live events, and access to recordings are for individual/personal use only. 
3. Co-purchasing or “membership sharing” is not allowed. 
4. Live calls will not be held on Federal Holidays or during company vacations. Some calls will be led by hosts/leaders appointed by Matthew Ferry International, LLC. 
5. Tickets to live events and hosted dinners are non-transferable and have no cash value. 

Intellectual Property Rights 
The programs and products offered by Matthew Ferry and Matthew Ferry International, LLC are original content intended for your personal use only. Teaching or sharing this material, in any form, violates our copyright. Recording, transcribing, or distributing our content (on-demand trainings, live calls, and live events), in any form, violates our copyright. Thank you for respecting our intellectual property rights.

In order to protect our clients' privacy and our intellectual property, a $50,000 fee will be imposed on any illegal sharing of our materials. This includes allowing others to use your credentials to access our app, sharing video, audio, or other digital files, or allowing others to listen to members-only online trainings (live or recorded).

Participant Acknowledgment 
By enrolling/purchasing the Mental Journey To Millions Membership, I acknowledge and understand that the Mental Journey To Millions was designed for people who clearly understand they are responsible for their own health and well-being before, during, and after the program. 

I represent that I am not participating in the program to handle any physical, mental, or emotional problems, and I fully understand that no portion of the program is delivered or supervised by health professionals. 

I hereby indemnify and hold Matthew Ferry International, LLC, its owners, officers, managers, shareholders, affiliates, employees, agents, and/or people who assist harmless from all loss, cost, obligation, or damage arising out of my participation in Mental Journey To Millions Membership program or in other activities or events related to Mental Journey To Millions Membership. 

Terms subject to change without notice.

Stress-Free Income Accelerator 100% Money Back Guarantee

“Double your income in 90 days, or you don’t pay, and we’ll give you $1000 for trying.” (Sept 1 to Nov 10, 2023) Not applicable from Nov 11th, on.

This is a conditional guarantee.

To be eligible:
• You must complete all 30 lessons in the Stress-Free Income Accelerator Video Series in 90 consecutive days (The 90 Day Term).

• Your 90 Day Term starts the day after you enroll in either the Mental Journey To Millions membership OR just the Stress-Free Accelerator only. For example: If you enroll on January 15th, Day 1 is January 16th

• You must listen/watch the full Stress-Free Income Accelerator lessons and complete each call to action at the end of each video.

• Submit your call to action to with “Your Name: Day X and (the unique call to action)” in the subject. We will track your progress through the Stress Free Income Accelerator to determine your eligibility for the Money Back Guarantee.

• Only one submission a day is allowed to maintain your eligibility. Meaning, binge watching and submitting more than one answer/result/comment per day will cause you to be ineligible for our Money-Back Guarantee.

We want you to get results. The StressFree Income Accelerator provides proprietary training, created by Matthew Ferry. It is for your individual use. We encourage you to set up a self-paced plan to engage this content. In the end, the results you produce are up to you; your mindset, your actions, your skills, your network. 

Our programs are proven to help effective, successful people experience even more success with less effort. This is not a quick fix. With all training and education, new results take time to occur.

If you do not agree to the terms of our Money Back Guarantee, please email within 3 days of your enrollment to request a full refund. Upon refund, we will cancel your account, and remove our access to our mobile app and another part of the program. Clients who choose to cancel the program and receive a refund are not eligible to re-enroll or attend any of our events. 

Effective August 1, 2023. Subject to change.
Updated November 14, 2023

Matthew Ferry’s promise is simple: Quiet your mind so you can create an epic life, that is filled with Enlightened Prosperity. His down to earth approach empowers you to rise above the unwanted chatter and negativity of the mind. Matthew says, “When your mind is quiet, you feel profound peace and your life becomes extraordinary. No ashram required.”

For the last 26 years, Matthew has been coaching thousands of top performers to achieve Enlightened Prosperity. His books, audios and seminars utilize his street tested methodology called The Rapid Enlightenment Process; a guaranteed system to achieve profound states of happiness and success in life.
© Matthew Ferry International, LLC • All Rights Reserved
2618 San Miguel Drive #100 • Newport Beach, CA 92660
The programs and products offered by Matthew Ferry are original content intended for your personal use only. Teaching this material, in any form, without author credit violates our copyright. If you share, please acknowledge Matthew Ferry as the author, content creator and copyright holder. Thank you for respecting our intellectual property rights. 

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